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Improvised Singing Workshop

IMPORTANT: Please note this course is for those who have gained experience of Improv and have completed: The Improvers Course

The Performance Course, or an equivalent. If you are unsure of suitability  email:

To benefit from this course, you do NOT need to be a singer or have any knowledge of musical theatre.


This workshop, runs 12.30PM to 4.30PM and is designed for those with experience of comedy improv but are either new to improvised songs or would like to gain more experience of improvised songs in scenes.

The aim of this workshop is to explore the fun of improvised songs where both the tune and lyrics are inspired by the scene narrative. Improvised songs are an exciting and fun addition for any improviser. An insight into improvised songs informs all comedy Improv whether long or short form.


The workshop is run by Jake Lyons, the founder and director of  LiveWired Comedy Improvisation  The genre and style of scenes and singing are those used in LiveWired performances. 

In a series of exercises and insights gain the confidence to lead and follow solo, duet and ensemble songs in improvised scenes. 

If you have any questions please email:


Sunday 15th September


Venue:  The London Improv Theatre


Fee: £42.00

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